Grebas de defensor esperanzador

Uncommon Heavy Legwear Tier IV
Item Gear Score
Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725
303.3 Armor Rating - Elemental 303.3 Armor Rating - Physical
Random Attribute
Random Gem if Gear Score is 370+
Random Perk if Gear Score is [450-725]

Armadura concedida a aquellos que lo arriesgaron todo para proteger la vida y el sustento de quienes no podían luchar.

Bind On Pickup Tier IV 6.3 Weight 625 Durability
Gives 1.50
and 6
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
Invasion Drop (?)

Our data suggests that this item drops from invasions, but we don't have enough data to be 100% certain.