Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Botas de placas de cazatesoros
Uncommon V 600
Manoplas de placas de cazatesoros
Uncommon V 600
Yelmo floreciente vernal del centinela Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Coraza floreciente vernal del centinela Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Manoplas florecientes vernales del centinela Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Espinilleras florecientes vernales del centinela Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Escarpes florecientes vernales del centinela Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Máscara floreciente vernal del centinela Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Abrigo floreciente vernal del centinela Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Guantes florecientes vernales del centinela Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Culottes florecientes vernales del centinela Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Botas florecientes vernales del centinela Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Pelo floreciente vernal del centinela Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Camiseta floreciente vernal del centinela Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Garras florecientes vernales del centinela Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Falda floreciente vernal del centinela Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Zapatos florecientes vernales del centinela Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Rodela nocturna Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Escudo de lágrima nocturno Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Scutum nocturno Can be crafted
Uncommon V 600-700
Ley natural
Common V 600-625
Espada larga de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Mangual de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Estoque de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Destral de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Espadón de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Martillo de guerra de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Gran hacha de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Lanza de árbol rúnico Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Arco de árbol rúnico Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Mosquete de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Trabuco de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Báculo ígneo de árbol rúnico Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Báculo de vida de árbol rúnico Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Rodelas de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Escudo de lágrima de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Scutum de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Manopla de hielo de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Manopla de vacío de cuero oscuro Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Cuchillo de desuello de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Hoz de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Hacha de tala de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Pico de minería de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Caña de pescar de árbol rúnico Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Yelmo de placas de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Peto de placas de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Guantes de placas de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Calzas de placas de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Botas de placas de mithril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Yelmo de cuero oscuro Can be crafted
Common V 600-700